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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Savyasācī Kṛṣṇa dāsa (Pune - India)

Respected GuruMaharaj,

Please accept my respectful obeisance!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories unto your Lotus feet!


Way back in 2001, when I first met you GuruMaharaj, during Coimbatore temple inauguration, I was filled with thoughts of how you manage so much, travelling, preaching and what not! Though then, it was just wonderment of a teenager, I feel more at loss of words to think of how you are coping with so much happening with your body now and still continuing to do all that you used to do then. All glories unto you dear Gurudeva for opening our eyes and showing us the power of dedication and devotion! All that you are doing is beyond any physically fit persons capability. Yet, you are doing so much more and producing results which is so very inspiring for the whole world to follow. All glories to you!  

As your disciple, I would like to thank you for helping me understand that I need to carry the legacy forward by keeping our personal priorities behind what is required for preaching Krishna consciousness. Though I write this, I would like express my inabilities because of various conditionings put forth by body and mind. On this Vyasapuja day, I wish that I become sincere in my services and render unconditional devotional service to please you.

I would like to thank you for encouraging me to read Srimad Bhagavatam by your own personal example. I have started attending the Bhakti Vaibhav course to become more regular in my reading and seva. Nityatarangini and I started three shloka recitation Whatsapp groups. One for prabhujis, one for matajis and the other one for small children. In this group we encourage participants to read Srila Prabhupada’s books and try to recite one shloka a day. The group is called “Shloka to Goloka”. On behalf of all the participants in that group, I seek your blessings for our spiritual development by reading Srila Prabhupada’s work.

JSSS Pune is developing in commitment and services with many wonderful disciples of yours taking up various services. On behalf of all of the JSSS Pune disciples, please bless us all to render worthwhile services which glorify your mood and mission of service to Srila Prabhupada. We are fortunate to be guided by HG Radheshyam prabhu. JSSS Pune is also connected with the JSSS World Wide members and we are very thankful to them to help us stay connected.  

As part of my link with college (NIT-Calicut), under the guidance of our Siksha Guru HH BhaktiVinoda Swami Maharaj, I am connected to the youth and are trying to read Srimad Bhagavad Gita every Sunday along with the upcoming devotees there. We also chant 6 rounds together. Though things are quite misplaced now because of the pandemic, we seek your blessings to reconnect and serve the young engineers to engineer their path back to Godhead.

My engagement in Krishna conscious services is possible because of wonderful devotees. Seeking your blessings for all of them.

I would also like to thank you for encouraging Ananth Chaitanya, my son. He is very inspired by you and has been chanting Hare Krishna Mahamantra from March last year. We pray on this special day to please bless him with sufficient strength to overcome the evils of Kaliyuga and render valuable services to all the Vaishnavas. He just turned thirteen this year. 

Through your online presence, we feel very connected to you. Thank you for exceptionally spending time with all of us on Zoom call and coming over to visit our houses and also accepting the offerings. We are eternally indebted to you for this special connect.

Also, thank you for tolerating me and giving me a chance to progress in Krishna consciousness. Though my endeavors are not very strong. Your mercy is more potent and I rely on it.

Seeking your blessings,

Your humble servants,

Savyasachi Krishna das, Nityatarangini Devi dasi, Ananth Chaitanya and Mother Indira Gopi Devi dasi