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Vyāsa-pūjā 2021

Taptakāñcana Gauracandra dāsa (Mayapur - India)

nama om vishnu-padaya Krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate Jayapataka-svamin iti namine

nama acharaya padaya Nitai Kripa Pradayine

Gaurakatha dhamadaya nagar grama tarine

My Dear Spiritual Father

Please accept my respectful & humble obeisance’s at the dust of your merciful lotus feet, on this auspicious occasion of your glorious appearance day.

On this very auspicious moment I would like to ask permission to offer you homage, although fully unqualified I am to do so.

Guru Maharaj, you are the legendary in the path of naistaki Bhakti, pure devotional service which is very much ideal and exemplary for a neophyte, like me. It is very much surprising to all, how you keep the mood of serving Srila Prabhupada at every breath, no matter whatever the situation is. Your complete life is the example of it. Every devotee in ISKCON and even others look for your Merciful darshan. In recent Pandemic situation when there is huge turmoil in whole world,  you never bereft anyone from the Mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, each and every house you visited has been flooded with Krishna Bhakti. All glories to you Srila Gurudev, you are the embodiment of Causeless Compassion and Mercy. Despite of being affected by Covid you never stopped giving the discourse of Chaitanya lila for the welfare of devotees, which shows your unique “unstoppable” and “Never Give Up “mood to preach the glories of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu . Although your such endless glories can never be explained with few words, as it correctly said “Vaisnavara Kriya-mudra Vijne na bhujaya”, Activities of Vaishnava Acharaya ,not understood even by the wisest men.

Despite of your physical difficulties you always show us how to have firm conviction in the path of Bhakti, and always inspire us to lead a proper Vaishnava mood and behaviour. Hence it is worthy to say :

চৈতন্য লীলা যার ধন প্রাণ ও চোখের মনি

 মোর গুরুদেব হৃদয়ে ধরিয়াছেন শ্রীল প্রভুপাদের দিব্য বাণী

উপেক্ষা করেন সব জাগতিক  যন্ত্রনা-কষ্ট ও ব্যাধি

গৌরাঙ্গের প্রতি প্রেমের যার নেই কোনো অবধি ।। 

While practicing devotional service, the challenges are enormous, and without your blessings devotional life is completely impossible. My dear Gurudeva you know very well that at every step of my devotional life I do so many mistakes, I have so many flaws in following the path of devotional service but still you are mercifully teach me, allows me to do service; and never belittle me. Kindly please forgive me and bless me so that I can serve you always.

Currently, due to this pandemic situation I am engaged in preaching, & Srila Prabhupada book distribution through online via medium, every month more or less 30 books goes to some fortunate people, the score of which I submit through your official App. On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja, my humble prayer unto you, that; you please kindly continue to give your blessings and mercy so that I can assist you and my dear Srila Prabhupada in some small ways , in bringing new people closer to Krishna.


I pray to their Lordship, Sri Sri Radha Madhav, Sri Sri Narasimha Dev, Sri Sri Panchatatwa Bhagavan, Sri Sri Jagannnath Baladev ,Subhadra Maharani and dear Srila Prabhupada, that they give their most precious blessings to you.

Your’s Lowly aspiring Servant

Taptakanchana Gaurachandra Das (Diksha)

Mayapur, India